E-bike raffle tickets for sale in Cambridge

The Cambridge Food Co-op is making it easy this winter to get an e-bike. The co-op is currently selling raffle tickets for a Cityscape Class 2 E-Bike from Heybike for the co-op’s spring fundraiser.

The e-bike, which customers can view in the store’s front window, can help make running errands around town more enjoyable, and/or just be a fun way to get outside and get some exercise! Plus, with an electric motor, you are reducing the amount of fossil fuels needed to get from place to place.

Tickets are $25, or 5 tickets for $100, and can be purchased in the store, online, or from any member of the Co-op’s board of directors. The drawing will be held Monday, March 20, or whenever the last ticket is sold, whichever is sooner.

For more information, visit cambridgefoodcoop.com.