Mach's Market Business Spotlight

NYVT Media publishes 4 newspapers weekly, reaching nearly 30,000 households in a five county, two state market. We have advertising programs that are affordable and can easily target the market your business needs. Our coverage extends from the northern tip of Washington County all the way down to Hoosick Falls in Rensselaer County. It also reaches from just outside Rutland, VT to just outside the Glens Falls and Saratoga regions.

Newspaper / News Deadline

The Granville Sentinel
3,200 weekly
Thursday, 5pm

The Whitehall Times
2,000 weekly
Thursday, 5pm

The Lakes Region FreePress
7,400 weekly
Thursday 5pm

Washington County Free Press
23,000 weekly
Thursday 5pm

WE ARE NOW SELLING ADSPACE ONLINE Please call for more information.

For more information or to place an ad:

Call us at 518-642-1234

today or email it to:
[email protected]

*be sure to include your phone number so we may contact you for payment.