Horace Greeley: Dauntless Crusader – What’s in a name?

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By Ann Rich Duncan

Was thinking about the upcoming annual Horace Greeley Writers’ Symposium when I noticed the last four letters in the name Horace. Yes, he ran in the presidential RACE in the YEAR 1872, against Ulysses S. Grant. While Greeley did not win that race, he did hold a Congressional seat, briefly representing New York, in 1848 and ’49.

Uncle Horace was also a RARE bird. You know that if you’ve read this column before. Rare is good, right? And he had a serious LEG injury after leaving his job at the “Northern Spectator” in East Poultney. He actually walked from here to Pennsylvania to visit his father’s farm where he spent time recuperating. It took a long time for him to HEAL.

One thing about Horace Greeley. He did CARE. A lot. Horace was a REAL nice guy. He cared about a GREAT many people; you might say the common man. And woman. Horace also dealt with HAY. A lot. After all, despite the fact that he loved being a wordsmith and had founded “The New York Tribune,” – one of the most influential newspapers of his century – he loved farming.

Of course, whether you do or do not like to write and use words, I’m sure you recognized at the beginning of this writing it’s an attempt to create anagrams (relevant to Mr. Greeley, of course). I’m sure there are more, but enough is enough. Unless you want to play.

Speaking about writing, you’ll find lots of real nice people who care a lot at the 19th Annual Horace Greeley Writers’ Symposium on Saturday, October 16th at the United Baptist Church, On the Green, in East Poultney, Vermont. So, for a GREAT time, RACE on over to this YEAR’s event. But don’t break a LEG, you HEAR?

For more information about the Symposium, call the Horace Greeley House at 800-287-2577.

Ann Rich Duncan, a member of the Horace Greeley Foundation, is a local artist and the author of six books.