Hartford CSD appoints Tyler to fulltime bus driver

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The Hartford Board of Education held a regular meeting Monday night, with business much as usual.

Following the retirement of Connie Knights as bus driver, the board appointed Stacey Tyler to the fulltime position.

The board also approved an FFA field trip request from Tricia Steward. The students will attend the Farm Bureau Government Awareness Institute in Albany Feb. 10 and 11.

Additionally, as part of the district office’s initial long-term fiscal planning strategy, the board approved the creation of reserves in two fiscal categories at an Oc. 21 meeting. These categories, ERS and unemployment, can handcuff the budget in any given year.

On Monday, the board approved the transfer of funds from the district’s fund balance into the established financial reserves in the amounts of $50,000 to the unemployment reserve and $150,000 to ERS reserve.

The next regular board of education meeting will be held Monday, Feb. 10 at 7 p.m.