basketball Jones

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‘Tonight’s the night we make history’

other than a lame reference to STYX-a-la-Dennis-DeYoung-in-all-of-his-sappy-glory the phrase represents what could go down tonight in the Granville High School gym.

It needs a cool nick name doesn’t it – the gym I mean.

‘The Stepps’

…as in the Horde roamed the…


takes too long to explain

‘The animal skinned tent’  …as in the Mongol hoards lived in…


probably not

it should be some sort of Ghengis Khan reference though, shouldn’t it?

‘The Mongoladium’  (mon-goal-A-dee-um)

hmmmm, best so far but not quite there yet


Looking around for some of the past Horde teams to see how they’ve done…more to come.