Read more about the article School opens on Sept. 8 ‘come hell or high water’
The Granville Board of Education met on Aug. 29 and were briefed by superintendent Tom McGurl on the pressure the district is faced with completing renovations on time with the first day of school for all grades set for Sept. 8.

School opens on Sept. 8 ‘come hell or high water’

Even with the pushback of two days for Granville Junior Senior High School’s first day of school, the countdown to have classrooms ready for Sept. 8 is too close for…

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Read more about the article Get back-to-school supplies Sept. 3
The back-to-school 'makeover' day has been set for Sept. 3 by Out of the Box Worship Center. Pastor Pamela Bolton said she hopes it gives students a boost of confidence and helps ease back-to-school nerves. (Photo courtesy of Pamela Bolton)

Get back-to-school supplies Sept. 3

Out of the Box Worship Center will host its Back-to-School Makeover this coming weekend, Saturday, Sept. 3 from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. at the Whitehall Rec Center. Pastor Pamela Bolton…

Continue ReadingGet back-to-school supplies Sept. 3
Read more about the article Back-to-school ‘makeover’ day Sept. 3
The back-to-school 'makeover' day has been set for Sept. 3 by Out of the Box Worship Center. Pastor Pamela Bolton said she hopes it gives students a boost of confidence and helps ease back-to-school nerves. (Photo courtesy of Pamela Bolton)

Back-to-school ‘makeover’ day Sept. 3

Out of the Box Worship Center held a back-to-school makeover day in Whitehall last year at the Free Public Library and, according to Pastor Pamela Bolton, the center is looking…

Continue ReadingBack-to-school ‘makeover’ day Sept. 3