Lift Our Communities, Advertise Locally (LOCAL) Act

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Mach's Market Business Spotlight

About the Legislation

The Lift Our Communities, Advertise Locally (LOCAL) Act, sponsored by New York State Senator Monica R. Martinez and Assemblymember Jen Lunsford, would establish a new $10 million tax credit for small businesses advertising in local media outlets. The LOCAL Act aims to support the marketing needs of small businesses – especially those that are minority-, woman- or veteran-owned, or that have 10 employees or fewer – while driving investments in the media outlets that New Yorkers rely on every day for critical information.

Why is it Necessary

The LOCAL Act would help small businesses promote their products and services, while maintaining investment in local media. The bill has already garnered strong support from business trade groups throughout New York, which view the proposal as a solution to increase investment in small businesses and sustain local news organizations. By making advertising more affordable, the LOCAL Act would empower small businesses to reach their target audiences, while supporting the essential work of the media outlets that provide local journalism to our communities.

Who’s Eligible

\Under the LOCAL Act, a minority-, woman- or veteran-owned business, as well as any business with 10 employees or fewer, would be eligible to receive a refundable tax credit of 80% of its first $5,000 of local advertising for a maximum credit of $4,000 per year. The program would be capped at $10 million annually.

What’s Next

To become a reality, the LOCAL Act needs to be included in New York State’s FY26 Budget, which must be passed by both the State Senate and Assembly and signed by Governor Kathy Hochul by April 1, 2025. Tell your State Senator and Assemblymember to vote in favor of the LOCAL Act!

About the Empire State Local News Coalition

Comprising more than 200 print and online newspapers, the Empire State Local News Coalition launched in 2024 to advocate for sound public policy that ensures the important work of local news organizations can continue across New York state. Through our independent journalism, we aim to serve, inform, uplift, and protect New Yorkers. We care deeply about our local communities as well as the future of New York’s free press. For more information, visit