It’s Chili Cook-Off Time

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Contests stirring up what they hope will be a winning pot of chili Photo by Catherine M. Oliverio
Mach's Market Business Spotlight

By Catherine M. Oliverio

NYVT Media

POULTNEY – The 34th annual Chili Cook Off competition and tasting hosted by the Poultney Rotary Club took place Sept. 28 from 11 a.m. to 1:45 p.m. More than 750 people converged upon downtown Poultney. The event featured 21 Chili Cookers, so the judges and tasters had their work cut out for them. Most were typical chili recipes made with ground beef, beans, corn, tomatoes and spices. Others had chicken and quite unique was the mix of pastrami and brisket. Another mixed his brisket with beef. What a perfect day with live music performed by EnerJazz, activities for the kids with Wonderfeet Kid’s Museum and Katie’s Education Center. A silent auction and raffle tickets for a grill and Hubbardton lamp were offered, and Green Mountain Community School held a bake sale.