Whitehall Police Beat July 4, 2024

You are currently viewing Whitehall Police Beat July 4, 2024

An arrest or a charge is not a conviction. All persons listed are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Charges can be amended or dismissed.

June 13

10:39 a.m. Police responded to a report of an open door at a vacant building on Poultney Street. The owner was contacted; he said he would secure the building.

June 15

11 a.m. Village police assisted the Washington County Sheriff’s Office with traffic control in the village during the fire at the Champlain Beef processing plant on U.S. Route 4 south of the village.

June 17

10:37 a.m. Village police contacted the Washington County Code Enforcement Office after receiving several complaints from residents about a vacant building on County Route 9 in the village. The building has a large hole in the roof and the residents were reportedly concerned that the structure could collapse into the roadway.

11:33 a.m. Washington County code enforcement was contacted again, this time in response to residents’ concerns with a former church on Broadway. The residents said the church doors had been kicked in and that people had been going inside. They were also concerned that the church’s steeple is leaning toward Broadway. The county reported responded that the building’s owner had been contacted about the situation.