Now is the time to show off your Granville garden

Mach's Market Business Spotlight

Village residents and businesses who spot people snooping around and photographing their gardens shouldn’t worry. It’s just members of the Slate Valley Garden Club’s Beautification Committee looking for this year’s Beautification Awards winners.

The awards will be presented in several categories: Residential, Municipal, Commercial, and Green Glove.

Residents who would like to nominate a neighbor—or themselves—can contact President Emily Garner at [email protected], 518 -538-2715,or Kathy Kann, [email protected], or by calling 518-854-7797.

In order to qualify, the garden must be located within the Village of Granville and must be easily visible from the street.

Winners will be awarded a slate plaque and celebrated at the Beautification Luncheon at the Slate Valley Museum in September.