From the Sentinel files – North Granville Hose Co. purchases Odd Fellows building

Mach's Market Business Spotlight

Compiled by Erik Pekar

75 years ago, Sept. 11, 1947

The North Granville Hose Company has purchased the building formerly owned by the Odd Fellows. The men of the Hose company are making over the building; the ground floor will house the fire truck on one side and the other side will be used for business meetings. There is a large room upstairs which will be used for parties.

Great preparations are being made by Caruso and Grottoli for the opening of the bowling season in Granville during the latter part of the month. A preliminary meeting of the bowlers was held a week ago. 24 teams were represented to form three leagues.

The monthly meeting of the village board of trustees was held Monday evening, Sept. 8. The board passed the ordinance prohibiting dumping in the Mettowee River. The police report noted 42 persons were arrested to appear before the police justice in the month of August, the greatest number of arrests of any month in many years, and possibly the greatest number in the history of the village of Granville; 19 were apprehended for speeding, 7 tickets for illegal parking, and one for reckless driving.

The Poultney Parent-Teacher Association will open the new school year with an informal Get Acquainted Night to be held at the grade school on Sept. 15 at 7:30 p.m. It will be the occasion for all friends, teachers and parents to welcome the new personnel and teachers: Arthur Oulton, superintendent; Miss Edith Roberts, nurse; Mrs. Phillip Westcott, district representative; Francis Meriarity and Arthur Spaulding of the high school and Mrs. Leola Herbert of the grade school.

Showing at the Ritz: Thursday and Friday, “Blaze of Noon”; Saturday, “Oregon Trail Scouts” and “Gamble”; Sunday and Monday, “Calcutta”; Tuesday and Wednesday, “Keeper of the Bees” and “Swing the Western Way”.

Weddings: Mary Patricia O’Connor, Middle Granville and Edward McDermott.

Obituaries: Kenneth Clark Moyer, Middletown Springs, Vermont; J. Allan Cutler, Poultney, Vermont; Mrs. Frank B. (Jessie) Egan, Comstock, formerly of Rutland, Vermont; Joseph M. Jennings, West Granville, formerly of Fort Ann; Sherman Ayers, Granville; Orson H. Loveland, Rutland, Vermont; Edward C. Oakman, Poultney, Vermont.

50 years ago, Sept. 14, 1972

A thrilling sight occurred at 8:32 p.m. Sunday morning at the Lake St. Catherine State Park, when balloon pilot John Marsden and Donna Pauquette went up in Marsden’s “Damn Yankee” balloon.

MacEachron Motors has announced its annual Open House will be held today, Thursday, Sept. 14, and this year’s gala, according to Ray and Bob, will be something people won’t forget for a long time.

The new electric scoreboard for the Sam Eppolito Field at Granville High School will be dedicated next Saturday at 12:45 p.m., just prior to the start of the Granville and Cambridge football game. The scoreboard purchase and erection was sponsored by Granville Rotary Club in memory of Sam Eppolito, G.H.S. football coach for many years.

The golfers of the Lake St. Catherine Country Club competed Sunday for the President’s Cup trophy. “Rick” Rudd took top honors and the trophy; Mickey Darius was runner-up.

Showing at the Ritz: Wednesday to Saturday, “The Last Picture Show”; Sunday to Tuesday, “Buck and the Preacher”.

Weddings: Barbara Jean Hadeka, Granville and Richard Darius, Argyle; Shirley Hepburn and Thomas Zandy; Tasia Ann Oakman, Wells, Vermont and David Mark Minthorn, Waldwick, New Jersey.

Obituaries: Mrs. William D. (Alice) Potter, Hebron; Mrs. Owen L. (Ellin) Williams, Granville, formerly of Wales; Robert V. Doty, Poultney, Vermont; Mrs. William J. (Dora) Owens, Granville; Dominick J. Covino, Granville; Guy Guthrie, West Hebron.

25 years ago, Sept. 17, 1997

This week’s special feature examined the changes in the dynamic of the Granville-Whitehall football rivalry. The game will be played at Whitehall on Saturday.

Bill Billow of Middle Granville is the new owner of the former Ross Pontiac building. He purchased the building from Ron Roberts.

Lisa Noe of East Arlington, Vermont, proposes to build a trailer park for 37 units on John Tougher’s North Street property. The 1963 trailer ordinance did make allowances for trailer parks. No decision was made regarding the matter at the monthly meeting of the village board of trustees on Sept. 8.

Granville Golden Horde football survived turnovers, injuries, and defense to win against Warrensburg, 22-6. Granville field hockey fell to Hoosick Falls, the Panthers scoring 4-0.

North and West Granville: Drivers are asked to be careful on Route 22 near the Upper Turnpike Road. There are young kids riding their bikes in the middle of the road. They have been told to stay out of the road, but still insist on doing this. Please try and watch for this; if it persists, there will be further action taken against this problem.

Middletown Springs: The Annual Grange Turkey Supper will be held on Oct. 4 at St. Anne’s Hall on West Street. Middletown Springs Grange No. 476 is the sponsor.

No births or marriages reported.

Obituaries: William DeBonis, Poultney, Vermont; Frampton Davis, Pawlet, Vermont; Viola Bishop, Argyle; Tyler Bassett, Granville; Julia Knight, Saratoga Springs; John Wilson, Granville.