By Krystle S. Morey
Following the unexpected death of a local woman, the community has poured out in support of a fundraising campaign started by her family.
Shelby Alexis McEachron, 21, of Middle Granville, passed away in July of injuries sustained in an automobile accident.
Following her death, her family set out in search of a way to capture the light their daughter emitted. Because McEachron was such a presence in the Granville community, from being involved with numerous sports and activities at Granville High School to volunteering time at the Granville Food Pantry and the Granville Little League, her family requested in lieu of flowers that donations be made to Shine on Shelby, a campaign established to raise funds to renovate and dedicate Field 7 at the Granville Little League Complex.
Shelby played little league softball and umpired games when she aged out of the program. She also helped her father coach his team, Ross.
When asked why his family focused their fundraising efforts on Little League, Andy McEachron, Shelby’s father, said: “Why not?”
“When I grew up, it was like the field of dreams, you always went down there,” he said. “I’m 53, so I started Little League 47 years ago.”
He added: “When you look at Granville Little League as a whole, we had over 300 participants this past year. Maybe if we make it that much better, we could have 500 kids participating. And what’s better than getting our youth out playing ball?”
This is only a preview of the story published in the Granville Sentinel. To read the full story, pick up a print copy of this week’s paper at the newsstand or read it online here.